Tästä haastattelusta en voinut kieltäytyä!

Lyhennetyn työviikon ensimmäinen vapaa perjantai. Sitä oli odotettu pitkään! Minun piti herätä aikaisin ja käydä lenkillä. Sen jälkeen minun piti tehdä kaikkia niitä kivoja asoita, joita kotiäidit tekevät.

Kuten leipoa pullaa ja katsoa Kaunareita! Vai oliko se sittenkin Emmerdale?

Tällä kertaa jauhopeukalo jäi kuitenkin ilman jauhoja. Sain nimittäin kutsun, josta en millään halunnut kieltäytyä. Kutsun lähettäjä oli suomalaisia brändejä ja ihmisiä maailmalle esittelevä Fedited. Yritys, jonka tarkoitusperiä olin jo pitkään ihaillut.

Kiinnostaako sinua suomalainen muoti, minun elämänvalintani ja feminismi? Jos vastasit ei, toivotan sinulle kivaa päivänjatkoa! Jos vastasit joo, suosittelen sinua jatkamaan Feditedin tekemään haastatteluun.


First of all Jenni, we love your personality! You are a kick-ass woman and you aren’t afraid to show that. Have you always been a type of woman who does whatever she wants to do?

That’s a really good question! I’m from a small town in Finland, Raahe, and I never dreamed then that I could do work that is at the same time a hobby for me: Writing, photographing, speaking and everything else. When I realized I can do that and stopped worrying about if I screw things up, I was free to focus all my thoughts on my goals. One goal was to work at the biggest media company in Finland and to have my own show. I believe in just going for your dreams! Whether they said yes or no does not matter, as long as I went for it! Why wouldn’t I just ask them? Saying out loud what you want is a brave and important thing to do. Your life, my life, we need to do the things we want to do without considering what people may think about us. And… I was offered to have that own show!


What are the steps you took in your life that led you to this point where you are now?

After high school, I moved to Bulgaria for a year. I wanted to be a visual artist. After taking a few classes, I realized I wasn’t good enough so that I could provide a living for myself by doing arts. That’s also an important thing to understand. Even though you love something you do, it might not bring food to your table. The other thing I loved was writing. I decided I wanted to try journalism. So I went to study that for a year and I really liked it! I chose to study at the University of applied sciences, it was there I was able to study practical things like how to use a camera. I felt that those were the things where I felt alive compared to just reading books in Uni…

Read the whole story and see the pictures from here!

Lue koko juttu ja näe loput kuvat täältä!


Kaikki kuvat: Milja Laakso

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